You probably have a lot of burning questions about the wonderful sport of dragon boating and how to join the Iron Dragons – and we’d love to answer them! Check out the FAQ below, but don’t hesitate to message us for more info or clarification! Have you signed up for our mailing list? Sign up here.

Who are the Iron Dragons?

Glad you asked! We’re a co-ed dragon boat team from the University of Toronto comprised mainly of engineers. This past year, we became national champions in both the Under-24 and University divisions. Our team (read: family) of more than 80 people competes at regattas all across Ontario during the summer months, May to August.

Wait, just what is dragon boating?

Wise Wikipedia tells us that dragon boating is “a watersport which has its roots in an ancient folk ritual of contending villagers, which has been held for over 2000 years throughout southern China.” All you need to know is that we cram twenty paddlers, a drummer, and a steersperson together into a boat about ten metres long to defend our honour out on the race course. The three main race distances are the 200m and 500m straightaways and the high-stress, balls to the wall, 2000m race circuit. You should also know that dragon boating is a great way to stay active, meet tons of new people, and have a blast, all the while winning more medals than you can hold in your own two hands – in other words, dragon boating is the best sport in the world.

Check out our About Us page for more interesting info on our team, history, and the wonderful people who make it all possible!

Sounds cool, where can I sign up?

If you haven’t already, you can sign up for our mailing list here. The selection process starts right away in September, so stay vigilant! We’ll keep you up to date with all the details about info sessions, training plans, tryouts, and important events.

Whoa there, tryouts?

Yes! We've got big plans for this year and we need to make sure we have only the most committed athletes on our team. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to show your commitment, get stronger, and learn how to paddle. We'll be sending out the official tryout signup form soon!

Email us for the most up-to-date tryout schedule and come out to one of our info sessions for an overview of the team and tryouts.


I'm worried about the time commitment.

That wasn’t a question! But we definitely understand that as a student you’re busy (we're all students ourselves!) and that the time commitment can seem daunting. We are very flexible, and are willing to accommodate. While we would of course love if you could do everything, we also understand that this is not always possible. Talk to us if you're interested but unsure about the time commitment. We will do our best to work something out with you! Particularly if you're unable to attend certain activities, even those that are mandatory. We're always open to discussion!

What if I'm not in very good shape?

Don’t worry, even if you aren't at the start, you will be by the end of tryouts. We take commitment seriously, and if you follow our training plan to the letter, you’ll be in great shape!

What is this magic training plan?

Our trainers are working hard to finalize the details but it will consist primarily of strength and endurance training as well as paddling practices. During tryouts, you’ll go to the gym anywhere between 1-4 times per week (depending on the crew for which you’re trying out) and will have a mandatory team practice on the boat until November, and then will be paddling in the pool or on the erg until end of December. For Blue tryoutees who advance to the second round at the end of October, there will be a personal trainer with a workout plan designed with dragon boating in mind! All practices are mandatory and we will be collecting performance test results in the week of October 18 and again towards the end of December. These tests will be done in small groups under the supervision of a veteran, and we'll be using your progress during the selection period as an indicator of your commitment to the team. These performance test also give you a better idea of where you can improve your strength. In addition, these tests will allow our trainers to develop personalized training plans for you once you join the team. In the meantime, join Pre-Season Workouts to commit to the gym and meet the team!

What's a Pre-Season Workout?

Pre-Season Workouts (PSWs) are workouts run by ID veterans and are a great chance to make friends and show your commitment! You’ll get feedback on your technique and where you can improve. You’ll also get a workout buddy to keep you motivated – sounds good, right? The calendar of sessions will be released with the workout plan on September 21!

What happens once I'm on the team?

Training will continue similarly to the tryout period but with a few additional practices. For Blue, this includes weekly erg sessions, biweekly team practices at Afterburn, and 3-4 gym sessions per week. For Gold, weekly pool practices will start up, as well as drop-in erg training and gym sessions 1-2 times per week. There will also be tons of fundraising and social events with the team!

When do we get out on the dragon boat?

We will be out on the boat starting September 25 until mid-October! The team gets back out on the dragon boat again at the beginning of May when we have our Spring Camp (a full two days of paddling). At that point, we’ll be out on the water two (recreational) to three (competitive) times per week to get ready for racing!

What's this about racing?

Racing regattas take place throughout the four summer months, finishing on June 19th at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Festival (for rec) and at the Canadian National Championships (for competitive). Each crew will be participating in at least three regattas.

This sounds amazing! What's the catch?

Team fees! But it's actually not that bad. We're finalizing all the costs but we expect it will be in the neighbourhood of $320 for Blue and $190 for Gold. You’ll also be responsible for buying a jersey ($40) and for transportation (depending on the regattas you attend). It might sound like a lot, but other university teams charge over twice as much (some teams pay in the neighbourhood of $1200), while premier (elite) teams can charge up to $2000! There will also be lots of opportunities to fundraise and reduce the fee even more. Turns out the Iron Dragons is actually a steal! (If money really is an issue, we will definitely do our best to work something out with you – we don’t want anybody to feel like they can’t join because they can’t afford it!) And really, what's it worth to you to be in the best shape of your life, make 50 best friends, have the time of your life, and become a National champion? Priceless!

Any questions left unanswered? Joining late in the season? Send us an email at dragonboat@skule.ca with any questions, comments, or concerns. See you at tryouts!